Medical spa treatment in Czech Republic
The healing mineral, thermal and radioactive springs as well as natural therapeutic resources of mud and peat, along with the traditional and unique methods of spa care and the beauty of Czech landscape makes Czech Republic a great balneotherapy provider.
The possibilities and options for attending Czech spas are vast and everybody, regardless his age, health condition or financial situation can benefit from them.
Instead of chemical treatments with negative side effects, Czech traditional healing spas offer rich natural sources. Because of these natural treatments, the beneficial effects of high-quality spa treatments last for a long time after their completion.
Spa treatments
Most Czech spas offer medical treatments for specified diseases including:
diseases of the circulatory system
cardiovascular diseases
diseases of the digestive tract
diseases of metabolic disorders and endocrine
respiratory diseases
diseases of the nervous
diseases of the musculoskeletal system
diseases of the locomotive system
kidney and urinary tract
skin diseases
oncological diseases
gynecological diseases and infertility
Therapeutic methods
The list of therapeutic methods offered in Czech spas is so wide. The most popular treatments include but not limited to the followings:
Hydrotherapeutic procedures (sea salt bath, beer bath, chocolate bath, iodide-bromine salt bath, herbaden (herbal bath), peat bath, and many others)
Thermotherapy (Cryotherapy, wraps, (sea mud wrap; grapes wrap; honey-milk wrap, paraffin wrap, …), etc.)
Physiotherapy (short-wave diathermy, interference streams, infrared radiation, diadynamic streams, magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound, cryotherapy, galvanisation, etc)
Massages (classic massages, under water massage, lava stones massage, hydrojet, etc)
Electrotherapeutic procedures
Mechanotherapy (manual lymphodrainage, machine lymphodrainage, ultrasound, etc )
Gas Injections
Ultrasonic Cavitation
To know more about the options for spa treatment in Czech Republic contact us. We can tailor a trip to suit your individual needs.
Tatranska 860, Liberec,
460 01 Czech Republic
Tel: +420 724 222 660